Amazing Advice For Diamond Engagement Ring Shopping

Shopping for a vintage diamond engagement ring is one of the most important transactions you'll make. As such, it deserves your full attention and time. You can feel much better about the diamond engagement ring you end up choosing when you take a couple of suggestions to heart.  Pick Out a Shape You want the diamond on the engagement ring to be beautiful in all of the right ways, and one factor that can affect this is its overall shape.

3 Designs to Consider for a Promise Ring

When one person has deep feelings for another person but it isn't yet the right time for a marriage proposal, a good option to think about is buying a promise ring. This piece of jewelry can mean different things to different people, but it generally represents a serious commitment to the relationship. In many cases, people give promise rings before eventually buying engagement rings. A visit to a local jewelry store will help you to realize that all sorts of rings fit within the promise ring category.

3 Ways To Get Rid Of Old Gold Jewelry

If you have a bunch of old gold jewelry that you don't want to have anymore, you might wonder what you can do with it. There are several options open to you.  Garage Sale One thing that you can do, if you have a lot of other things to sell, is to have a garage sale. You aren't going to get a full market price for the pieces this way because people at garage sales are looking for bargains, but if the stuff you have is reasonably low value anyway, this can be a good idea.