How To Give Your Fiancee The Perfect Ring

Getting down on one knee and proposing to your future bride can be a little bit nerve-wracking. Not only do you want to say the right things, but you want the mood to be right as well. One of the most hectic things about a proposal is picking a ring for her that you know she will like. Because she will be wearing this ring for the rest of her life, it's important that you get it right the first time around. This article will list a few ways that you can do just that. Are you ready to learn more? If so, then read on.

Go Shopping Beforehand

Chances are that if you are going to get down on one knee and propose that you have already talked about it with your future fiancée. Although you don't have to reveal the exact time that you are going to propose, you can still take her ring shopping and look at all of the different options that are out there. As soon as she starts to try on rings, you can gain a better sense of her personal style and then even ask her to set aside a few of her favorites; that way you know that she won't be disappointed with the end choice. 

Give Her A Loose Diamond

Choosing the ring setting for your future bride can be a little overwhelming, and if she is picky, it may not be something you want to mess with. Rather than giving her a full diamond setting, why not just give her a loose diamond instead? When you give her a loose diamond, she can then go with you to the jeweler and choose the exact setting that she wants. All you have to do is put the loose diamond somewhere safe and then give it to her after you drop down on one knee.

Get Her a Loaner Ring

Some jewelry stores will give you a loaner ring that you can use for a proposal and that you can exchange for the real ring later on. The fun thing about this option is that you will have a physical ring to present her at your engagement, and then you can both go into the jeweler after and she can pick out whichever ring that she wants. Just make sure that you are really careful with the loaner ring because you will be liable if anything happens to it.
